As a professional writer and a relationship advice dude, the topic of writing a romantic love letter is an exciting one for me. While I believe that showing someone your love them is more important than what you say or write, a love letter can occasionally be the perfect compliment to a romantic relationship. There are few better ways to show someone show someone how much you appreciate them than by writing them a heartfelt romantic love letter.

When it comes to romantic love letters, creating a good one is much like any other romantic gesture: it’s a heck of a lot easier than you think it will be. We’ve spoken about writing romantic love poems before on Romance Tracker, and love letters are very similar. Regardless of what your writing skills are, I guarantee you can write a great love letter that your sweetheart will remember forever.

The first mistake that a lot of people make when considering to write a romantic love letter is the form it takes. Not all love letters have to be scrawled out in cursive on a sheet of paper, although that’s fine if you want to do it. With today’s technology, there are plenty of other options available to you for writing a romantic love letter.

If it makes you more comfortable, there’s nothing wrong with using email to write your love letter. As contemporary generations become more and more comfortable with electronic mail, sending a romantic email love letter is nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, many romantic partners might prefer an email love letter over the paper version.

Two other modern technology options you have for sending romantic love letters are instant messaging and text messaging (or SMS). Just because romantic writers of bygone days didn’t have these options available to them doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of them to send your sweetheart a love letter.

And remember, a romantic love letter doesn’t necessarily have to take the form of a sappy, poetic message. A short, simple romantic thank-you note or romantic greeting card can also be considered love letters, and are just as effective in showing your sweetheart how much you appreciate them.

As you can see, there are endless options when it comes to how you can put together a romantic love letter for your special someone. If writing out a long, romantic love letter and leaving it on your lover’s pillow is your style, then that’s great. But never forget that a love letter is something that anyone can write, and it can take many different forms . . . short, long, or electronic.

So what are you waiting for? You don’t have any excuse not to write a romantic love letter for your husband, wife boyfriend or girlfriend today. And I guarantee that no matter what you write, if it comes from the heart your love letter will be cherished by your sweetheart forever!