Friday, December 19, 2008

Separation - Take Advantage of the Alone Time

Marital separation can be tough, as it is the limbo between commitment and divorce. If you want to stay together, you have to deal with the conflicting emotions of dread and hope. If you want to leave, you have to deal with the guilt of hurting the other person and the weight of this huge decision. No matter which way you look at it, you are going to be stressed. The important thing is to see the silver lining and take advantage of the time to yourself.

What should you do?

1) Join a gym- Being physically fit is something you can feel good about whether you are single, married, divorced or even separated. Aside from the positive results, you will enjoy the feeling of doing something for yourself. It can also be a great way to work off any pent up anger, aggression or anxiety. Getting your endorphins flowing will give you the energy to get through the day as well as make you feel great.

2) Enjoy yourself- Beyond the basics of taking care of yourself, you need to remember to have fun also. Go out to dinner with your friends or grab one of them to go see a movie. You could even take it further and go on vacation. The bottom line is to do something that you enjoy doing. Also, don't be afraid to laugh. Some people find that they feel guilty for enjoying themselves, but while this is understandable, it is unnecessary. Go ahead, laugh it up. If relaxing is more of your thing, curl up with a good book. Losing yourself in the world of the characters can be a great temporary escape from the real world.

3) Try to sleep- If you are newly separated, it can't be easy sleeping all alone. If you lie awake with your mind racing, however, you are going to make the situation worse for yourself and everyone around you. Sleep is a restorative process, and lack thereof can lead to increased anxiety and depression, and even physical pain.

There are many natural remedies you can try, as well as daily practices such as exercising in the morning and winding down before bed. If this doesn't work you may want to consult your health care provider about the possibility of sleeping pills. They aren't for everyone, but if taken right they can work wonders for your everyday life. The bottom line is you need rest, so you can think clearly.



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