Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Relationship- Is Your Attitude Casual?

your response to many situations is casual. You do not bother much. For example if there is a hurricane, thousand miles from your place, you treat it casually. But when the same hurricane hits near your place, you respond with great alacrity. This analogy can be applied to your relationships. Are you treating your relationship casually or do you take utmost care to make sure that everything always goes well?

When you talk to your partner, is your approach abrupt? Do you treat your partner carelessly at times? Have you come to the stage of relationship when you believe that it is perpetual? When you come to that stage your approach become casual. Till you try to woo your partner, you are very alert. Once you win him/her over, your approach may become casual. This is a common pitfall. Once this attitude becomes an every day affair, the relationship suffers and like a brick taken out from a wall a day, the wall of relationship slowly becomes weak and one day collapses to your shock. You are then left wondering about what went wrong. So, do not keep your attitude casual. Always be loving and caring towards your partner.

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Does Your Partner Have Faith In You?

A relationship is based on faith. At least most of the relationships are based on faith. Some relationships are based on convenience. But most of the relationships will collapse if faith is absent. What is faith in a relationship and how to know if your partner has faith in you?

Are you sure that your partner has faith in you? For example, if you leave your mail box open and go out for sometime, do you believe that your partner will not surf through the mails and find out whom you are corresponding with? Let us take another example. Try talking to somebody in very low voice on telephone. Do this intentionally. Do you think that your partner will ask you about who you were talking with? I am leading towards one common factor- faith. Does your partner have implicit faith in you?

There are two types of relationships. In one kind the partners have unquestioning faith in each other. In another kind, the partners do not suspect each other of any wrong doing, but do not have faith. For example, if a partner comes late at night, in one case the other partner will worry about the reasons of delay. In another case, the partner will suspect that some affair may be on. What kind of relationship you have? What kind of faith does your partner have in you?

Faith is the main pillar of a relationship. Without faith everything el se looses its value. Develop faith in your partner and assure your partner with your words and behavior that he/she can have full faith in you. Openness is most important for that. Whatever you do, do it openly. Do not play any games. Slowly both of you will begin developing faith in each other. Always look out for anything that may create suspicion and kill the suspicion in the beginning itself to have a great relations
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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Men - Know What Women Want

What do women want? This question troubles many men. If they like a woman, how to attract her and how to keep that love alive for long. For getting the answer to this, men must know about what women want. The first factor every man must understand clearly is that women are different than men. The way men behave and talk with their men friends will not do with a woman if they wish to win her over.

Let us talk about your objective. If you are in love with a woman, you want her to reciprocate that love and remain in love with you forever. You desire that both of you live happily in love with each other forever. For achieving this objective, you must know how to win a woman. Let us examine few qualities that you should develop to win a woman.

1. Care
Do you show care for what a woman cares for? Or do you laugh at some of her worries and concerns? That will be a sure formula to make a woman go away from you. Please show care and concern for what a woman cares for. Please be with her in that. Let her feel so confident that she leaves all her cares to you. That will give her real pleasure.

2. Treat Her Delicately
When you pick up something precious, you are very careful handling that, isn’t it? Same is with women. Talk to them gently. Treat them gently and be there whenever she needs any help. A small gesture such as holding her shopping bags will show that you consider her precious. Show her that she is invaluable for you in all the possible ways. Let her feel good about herself whenever she is with you.

3. Know About Her
Find out what she wants in life. Know about her priorities. Learn about her values. If you love her dearly and want to make her your own, you may have to change to her thinking, so that she feels you as her own. This may sound strange, but this small sacrifice will have to be made to make a woman your own.
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Your Woman May Cheat Upon You

Do you think that your woman will not cheat you? Then you are in for a shock. Your woman may cheat upon you and that will hurt you. How to avoid that happening?

Have you paid enough attention to your partner?s desires? Have you made her happy by complimenting her? Are you sharing the chores with her, or do you go out with your friends leaving her alone to finish? Are you involved with your children or they are all your wife’s responsibility? Are you sure that she is loyal to you and thinks that you are also loyal to her?

This is very important. If a woman is sure that her husband will never cheat her, she may not despite everything. But if she feels that her husband may cheat her, she may cheat upon him despite everything. Talk to your partner and discus this matter threadbare. This will save you from lot of pain.

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Are you Ready To be a father?

Getting married and having children is the way of life fort all of us. The question is - are we ready to get married and after that are we ready to become father? Why this question? Let us discuss.

Most of us are not always ready to get married. We are waiting for the right partner. We have career and money issues. We have emotional issues. We do not want to get married in hurry and then break up. We therefore weigh all the options and wait for the opportune time. Only after we are satisfied, we get married. Am I correct?

Becoming a father is equally difficult. Before becoming a father, you have to make sure that your wife is ready to become a mother. That both of you have settled in the marriage and do not foresee much problem ahead. Your career has picked up and you are saving money. You have a good home and you are otherwise free of problems. Only after satisfying yourself about all these, can you think of becoming a father.

Fatherhood involves many issues. As soon as you get a child, you will find that your wife is paying more attention to her child than to you. Your nights will not be as peaceful as before. Visits to doctors may increase. Vacationing may become difficult and partying may have to e cut. There are many such changes that a new child brings along with lot of joy. Please think about the pros and cons before deciding to become a father. Your child should never suffer because of your own frustrations. Your kid will be your most precious possession. Think carefully and decide.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Make your relationship work

If there is one area in our lives where most of us struggle, it’s relationships. That’s the bad news. The good news is that they can be improved. It takes hard work, but anybody who says, “If you have to work at it, it’s not worth it”, is probably in denial or an unreconstructed romantic in search of Miss or Mr Right — who, guess what, they never succeed in finding.

With two failed marriages behind me (I’m now, happily, on my third), I take an intense personal interest. We learn how to have relationships from our parents, and some of us are taught rather better than others. My early lessons were not good and, eventually, I was in such despair that I took myself off to therapy to learn how to undo some of my more destructive habits and responses. I am still learning and I still get things wrong (old habits die hard), but one thing I do know is that negative behaviours aren’t written in stone.

Recently, I was having dinner with a girlfriend who has the best marriage I’ve ever seen. She and her husband like each other and laugh a lot, but it can’t simply be put down to good luck, right man, right woman. Perhaps that’s why I study them with more than forensic interest. At dinner, she was telling a story about her mother: “I was so angry when I put down the phone, I had to call a friend and unload before he came home so I didn’t dump it all over him.”

Unloading high emotion or anger before my husband walks through the door had simply never occurred to me (as I say, a rubbish early education), so it struck like an epiphany that it’s not so much what those friends do, as what they don’t, that makes their marriage work. Call it reverse psychology. It’s all very well to be told to be gentler, kinder or more tolerant, but such well-intentioned instructions are so wildly abstract that they are close to meaningless. Understanding what we shouldn’t do, rather than what we should, might provide a better and more useful insight. In that spirit, I made my own list of 10 relationship no-no’s.

1 Don’t blame somebody else for the way that we feel

We have to take responsibility for our own emotions, rather than handing them over to our intimate other. And we should not confuse their emotions with our own. Say our other half comes home and yells at us about something inconsequential because they’re stressed at work. Our first response is to take it personally and feel aggrieved. Better to take a step back and look at what’s really bothering them. A little empathy, a simple question — “Are you okay?” — can defuse a potential row in a way that hostility met by hostility never can.

2 Don’t to try to change the other person

In trying to change someone, we’re playing the “if only” game, as in, “if only you were tidier/more sociable/less complaining/more generous, our relationship would be fabulous”. We cannot change other people. All we can change is our own responses and behaviour. That doesn’t make us total wimps, nor does it mean we can’t ask for what we want or need. We can, but as adults, not as children. Adults explain, children complain, which takes us straight to rule No 3.

3 Don’t use the word ‘you’, replace it with the word ‘I’

Take charge of your own feelings, as in, “I feel this when you do that”, rather than, “You did this and made me feel that way”. Say your husband (or wife; bad behaviour is gender-free) never helps out around the house. We can explain that we’d like it if they helped more, or we can complain that they never help, which takes us to rule No 4.

4 Ban the words ‘never’ and ‘always’

They are almost always accusatory, as in, “you never empty the dishwasher” or “you always forget my birthday”. Add a jabbing finger and you have almost definitely moved into blame territory. Along with blame comes criticism and its bitchy close relation, contempt — both are poisonous to a relationship. If there are sticking points that can’t seem to get resolved, appeal to somebody’s good nature — “I wish you’d remember my birthday, it really upsets me when you don’t” is far more likely to result in ribbons and roses than snide comments about selective memory, just as contemptuous remarks about how remarkable it is that dishwashers load themselves are far more likely to mean you end up with a sink full of dirty plates.

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How to get your sex life back after having a baby

A friend, Alison, 38, discovered that her husband Graham, 41, no longer sees her as desirable. He loves her, but lust is a thing of the past. During six years of marriage they've had a great sex life. This changed when they had a baby.

Graham was sensitive to Alison's wellbeing during labour (which had been long and difficult) and over the four months since the birth. Alison said a month after the birth that this made her feel treasured.

However, she noticed that Graham was resisting sex. She confided her fears that he no longer found her attractive, although that didn't equate with his remarks that she “made a beautiful mother”. I suggested coaxing him with romance. Maybe he hadn't wanted to rush her? One candlelit dinner later, as the baby slept, Alison suggested they seize the moment. But Graham again resisted and it occured to me that he may have a Madonna complex: only seeing Alison as mother and no longer as a lover, which is quite common.

My tips to address this include banning excessive “baby talk”. Chat about grown-up topics, too. It's also important to not always be seen in your nursing bra; get out the seductive gear when you feel up to it. Flirtatious texts and romantic gestures help, too.

Thankfully by carving out more adult time, and with gentle reminders that they were still the same couple - not simply parents - Graham slowly came round to the idea that it was fine to see Alison as desirable and the mother of his child. Otherwise they may have needed couples' counselling.

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Men who marry younger women live longer

Men live longer if they marry a younger woman, according to population statistics.

What’s more, men who tie the knot with older women are more likely to die early, the study at Germany’s Max Planck Institute found.

According to the research, blokes cut the risk of premature death by 11 per cent if their wives are seven to nine years younger, reports The Daily Express.

The figure rises to 20 per cent for men who marry women between 15 and 17 years younger.

Scientists reckon that the figures may be the result of natural selection – that only the healthiest, most successful older men are able to attract younger mates.

“Another theory is that a younger woman will care for a man better and therefore he will live longer,” said institute spokesman Sven Drefahl.

However, when it comes to women, the results showed that ladies benefit from marrying a man of the same age.

Wives with husbands older or younger by between seven and nine years increase their chances of dying early by 20 percent.

This rises to 30 percent if the age difference is close to 15 and 17 years.
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How to endure a sex marathon

Not very often does one get the opportunity to spend extended lovemaking time with their lover, but when such rare occasion does arise one should make it a point to keep it enjoyable as well as enduring.

Enduring a sex marathon can take a few hours or longer if the situation demands it, and many times it could go all night.

Thus, to keep oneself in good form, even the most virile and energetic must rest and rejuvenate, reports Fox News.

Before embarking on your sex marathon, it is better to be well-fed (but not too well) with food that releases energy slowly (such as grains and low GI carbohydrates) and be well hydrated.

And here are some tips on enduring a sex marathon:

Don''t orgasm

You can do this by choosing positions that provide less stimulation - because everyone is different, only you will know what these are for you. Change positions if you feel like you''re losing the power of your drive and erection or getting too close to orgasm. Bear in mind that having an orgasm isn''t the end of the session and you can take a rest before you continue. This is a good time to experiment with positions that you may not have tried with your partner.

Pleasure her to keep the focus off of you

If you do happen to need a rest while enduring a sex marathon or you do orgasm, you can easily shift the focus off of you and onto her. This can include cuddling, fondling, massage, general touching, and kissing. A rest does not have to be totally sexual in nature, and it is just as nice to make love for hours as it is to just touch each other in nice ways - or invent new ways of loving.

Don''t drink too much

Alcohol is known to be a relaxant and can be a wonderful addition to the time you share with your lover. In saying that, after two or more drinks, alcohol lowers a man''s ability to achieve and maintain erections, and can trigger an inability to orgasm for a long time. Alcohol also has sedative effects - it could cause you to fall asleep easily. Drinking can also encourage unsafe behaviour. Drinking too much alcohol will not help enduring a sex marathon.

Get creative

While enduring a sex marathon, you can introduce sex toys like vibrators, beads or sex paraphernalia such as whips, ropes and blindfolds. Food is also a great diversion and pleasure- ice cream, chocolate sauce or whipped cream are great. Get creative - you can draw out the process for quite some time with some very lusty teasing using these objects.

Keep lube handy

One of the main problems of sex play for hours could be dryness, so keep some good quality lubricant handy, one that tastes nice and is non-greasy. A glass of water nearby is also going to be useful, not only to rehydrate but to moisten your mouth.

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Friday, August 21, 2009

How to forgive an Affair and how to move on.

The discovery of an affair will attack you with shock, anger and numbness. No matter what way you choose to react, your surroundings will look the same afterwards because you have not yet started coping with what has transpired. You find that you are suddenly lost due to being caught off guard. You never thought this would happen to you. So when it does, what should you do when this painful truth is revealed and how can you forgive it?

The first thing to do when you find out that your partner has been cheating is to allow your emotions to flow out of your body. Holding your feelings in will only make you feel worse and cause a tremendous amount of stress both physically and mentally. Once you have expressed your instant reaction, you can start thinking more slowly and rationally. You will start examining your relationship, wondering where it went wrong and if it was ever as wonderful as you claimed it to be. You will create a chain of questions that have not yet been answered and will start feeling farther and farther away from getting any of them answered. Everything will be sorted out time, but first thing is first� and that is getting your emotions sorted out.

Once your emotions have been expressed and sorted out, it is important to remember to not give the affair more power over your life than it deserves, even though at the time being, it feels like the end of the world. The fact of the matter is, it is not the end of the world, but has changed your world and the way you look at it, which is understandable. Know that your partner�s affair has nothing to do with his or her love for you, nor does it make you a failure in relationships. What the affair does tell you though, is that there are essential issues that need to be addressed. It is normal to be angry and unable to calmly discuss this with your partner, so let him or her know that (without getting violent or throwing them out of course). Let him or her know that you are deeply hurt and angry that they chose an affair as a way to deal with the issues in your relationship and you are not ready to talk about it just yet.

When you are ready, where do you start? It will be difficult to focus on the discussion if you are torturing yourself with visual thoughts of the cheating act. Make an effort to be strong and avoid the unnecessary painful thoughts that will in no way make you feel better or get your relationship back on track. You know what goes on when two people are intimate, so save yourself the details you already know and spare yourself the hurt. The focus is to find and establish the reasons for the affair and ways you can move on with your lives together, with a new and improved affair proof relationship. Good communication will be the key to your road to recovery, so be sure to ask the right questions, listen with undivided attention and understanding, as well as answering the questions you are asked and finding suitable solutions on how to prevent the same event in the future.

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Ways to Propose

True love is so rare and worth cherishing. It is no wonder you want to stay all your life with the person you love with all your heart. Today, trust in marriage is fast depleting because both parties are more interested in themselves than in pleasing each other. If you happen to be of a different mindset and would not mind going that extra step to ask your beloved to be with you, you should propose her//him immediately when you believe you are ready.

A marriage proposal can become the most memorable event in your and the other person’s life. It is necessary that you are absolutely sure that the person you are proposing to says ‘yes’ when you propose or else it will lead to disappointment. At the same time ensure that you are not late in proposing.

A memorable proposal will always be the one which is interesting, creative and innovative. You should ensure that the person you are proposing to enjoys this event thoroughly and that you are paying complete attention to this person. There are so many ways you can propose to a person, make him/her feel wanted and welcomed into your life forever. Check out some of these very interesting and innovative ways for proposing:propose

1) Book: This is one of the most complimentary methods of proposing to someone. If your sweetheart is an avid reader or literary genius, you can check out this unique option. This book is especially fruitful if your relationship has been a long one. You can bring up unique and happy memories of your relationship. You can write about this person in detail and reasons why you value him/her so much. Write the book yourself or get it written from a professional writer. Publish a single copy and present it to your beloved with the proposal on the last page.

2) Garden: If you love gardening and your beloved loves flowers, this is an ideal and a very touching way to propose. However, this method requires you to plan out your garden meticulously. Keep a separate patch for this purpose, plant and grow flowers in letters that will spell ‘Marry Me’ with the name, wait until the flowers grow full bloom and bring your beloved to this garden blindfolded and surprise him or her.

3) Boat Ride: Nothing can be more romantic as going out in the sea or a lake with nothing but the nature around you and your beloved. If you and your sweetheart are water lovers and related sports activities, this is a great way to propose. Take your sweetheart for a boat ride and propose.

4) Music: Are you a good crooner? You can sing love songs with most ease? Assemble one or two people to play music instruments for you and start recording love songs, and when you want to propose you should sing a love song with a proposal song for your beloved, a sure way to win his/her heart and a partner for a long time.

5) Adventure Outing: If both of you love adventure, you could go out on an adventure holiday and you could propose to your sweetheart at a time when you are at the most perfect point or place during the outing. It could be atop a hill you have just climbed or in the darkest of woods or on a starlit night in middle of nowhere. You could increase your happiness ten fold through the adventure outing.

6) Greeting Cards: This is another great way of proposing and surprising your partner at the same time. This is useful if you live in or occasionally do go to stay with each other. Greeting cards are a great way to express, therefore do not choose just a single card - instead, you could choose a series of cards showing your affection. Place each card in every room your partner is most likely to visit in the morning. Let the words ‘Marry Me’ card be in a place your partner is fond of. This method is inexpensive, making just the right choice or cards would make it worthwhile.

7) Emails: Add mystery and adventure to your proposal. Send emails anonymously; make emails - soft and comfortable that speaks only of your feelings and nothing else. Let your partner wait of another email each day, ensure you send your name with the propose email. This is the method so many people use for proposing the next person.

8) Create a Video: An artist or a good performer would love this surprise. Create a video of yourself painting or acting or dancing for a love song, towards the end you can propose to your beloved in the video. It is absolutely necessary to watch the video with your sweetheart if you want an instant answer.

9) Cook Up A Proposal: Learn a special dish your sweetheart loves, invite the person over for a romantic dinner, make sure everything is perfect. Create an unbeatable romantic mood, a perfect dinner date. And serve what your sweetheart loves, make sure that is perfect too and propose.

10) Agreement: Write promises that you will make at the time of marriage to your beloved, sign it yourself, and ask your beloved to sign the agreement if your sweetheart agrees to the proposal, a fun and surprising way for proposing.

So check and try the method you will use for proposing to your sweetheart. The above unique methods will surely win your beloved’s heart!

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Five Reasons to get married and Five Reasons not to get married

To Marry or...

Getting married is once in a lifetime decision for many people. When people wish to get married, invariably all of them expect a full life together. Very few would think of marriage as a short-term exercise. Hence, it is very much necessary that all aspects of a life together be fully analyzed before tying the knot. Usually men and women tend to have different perspectives about married life. It would be better to have open and honest discussion to sort out the possible future irritants or at least understand them so that some sort of compromise could be arrived at.reason to marry

The reasons that a man looks at while desiring to marry her are innumerous. However, a few of them top the list in order of priority. For most men, the need of a woman in life is necessitated by the motherly love that he had received in his early life. He needs a woman who can show him the same love and who could fulfill his physical and emotional needs. That is why many men look for the same qualities in a woman that their mothers possess. The second reason is to have a lifetime companion, who can share his desires and needs. The third reason is love. When a man feels that he loves a particular woman, he wants to own her fully. This might appear to be a wrong reason but that is the way humans are made. Everybody likes to possess what he or she desires and human relationships are no different. In some cases, the man might marry a woman because she has become pregnant and is carrying his child. Certain men wish to marry a woman who is having the same career as his, so that they would be able to adapt to each other better. It is quite usual for a doctor to marry a doctor and a lawyer to marry a lawyer. They would be able to understand the work pattern and the workload of each other. However, few others are very particular that the woman is having a different profession, so that their interests do not clash. This choice depends on the outlook of the individual.

In short men marry women for the following main reasons.

  • The wish to continue the motherly love received in childhood.
  • Desire to have a lifetime companion.
  • The love the man has for the woman.
  • The woman having become pregnant by him.
  • To have a woman who has a similar career for easier adaptability.

Women also marry men for nearly the same reasons. However, one important reason that women have in marriage is to escape from parents that they do not like or from a parent who is abusive. Sometimes, men also marry for this reason but the number is much lesser than women. So the reasons for a woman marrying a man can be enumerated as follows.

  • Wish to escape from parents.
  • Desire to have a lifetime companion.
  • Love for the man.
  • Having become pregnant by the man.
  • To have a man having a similar career for easier adaptability.

The reasons for getting married are quite obvious. On the other hand, the reasons for not getting married are much more complicated. In fact, it would be difficult to mention reasons for not getting married. However, the reasons for a marriage becoming a failure could be discussed with more ease. There are several jokes about marriage but nearly all of them are at the expense of the woman. There should be some strong reasons for that. Probably, the main reasons are the innumerable needs that women have that drain the purse of a man and the continuous nagging that women indulge in after marriage. One joke says that a successful man is one who can make more money than his wife spends but a successful woman is one who finds such a man. Many women tend to nag the men too much after marriage. They try to compare their husbands with other men who are more successful in life, which is resented by the husbands. Wives also tend to give free advice to men as to what they should and should not do, which is also not liked by many men.

Infidelity is one more reason that could harm the institution of marriage. Both men and women, who are quite possessive, would be repelled when they come to know about extra-marital relationships, leading to separation. Physical incompatibility is the cause for break-up in several cases. Even loss of interest in sexual relationship after some time could lead to a break-up of the marriage. Finally, the conflict in tastes and interests that appeared insignificant before the marriage starts to take a larger picture in married life. Disagreements increase, resulting in final separation.

Even though it would look absurd if we list reasons for not getting married, we could list the reasons that break-up marriage.

  • Over-spending by the wife and living beyond the man�s income
  • Continuous nagging, comparing the man to others more successful, and giving unwarranted advice
  • Infidelity
  • Physical incompatibility or sharp decrease in sexual interest
  • Conflict in tastes and interests leading to disagreements and fight
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How to read the signs of a lying partner

Are you being lied to?

First thing's first . . .listen to your instincts!

Knowing whether you are being lied to or not, does not require mind reading or psychic power. Understanding the difference between the truth and a lie can all be determined by a person�s behavior, and if you pay attention to these behaviors, you will be able to have a better idea of whether you are being lied to or not. The most important thing you should always remember to do however is to trust your instincts. If you feel you are not getting the entire truth from your partner for some reason, then listen to your instincts. Most people are in good touch with their instincts, but rather not listen to that inner voice because they refuse to believe that their partnersigns of lying would deceive them in any way. Staying in touch with your instincts will help guide you in the right direction.

Though instincts are a great help, they can be tricky. Majority of the times, your instincts will not lie to you, but there are times when your instincts can be influenced by your fears and insecurities. For example, you may already have fears of being cheated on, therefore you may feel that your partner is lying to you and cheating on you, when in fact he or she may be telling you the truth and completely faithful to you. This is why it is essential to understand the behavior of a liar, so that you can define the difference between really catching on to a liar, or just being paranoid that your partner is lying to.

Watch the Body Language

One important thing to remember is that the body never lies. If there are changes in the way your partner moves (or does not movie) his/her arms, hands, head and the way his/her eyes shift, then you are most likely being lied to. The reason the body language changes when a person is lying is because the person now has to think of a way to seem convincing that he/she is telling the truth. Since he/she knows that whatever they are telling you is a lie, the behavior automatically changes because they are now trying to act truthful, instead of actually being truthful. One big sign to look out for is in the eyes. If your partner avoids eye contact with you, then he/she is lying to you. There is a fear that you will see through him or her if there is eye contact, so eye contact will be avoided. Whether you realize it or not, your body also communicates when you talk. When you are enthusiastic about telling your partner something and are telling the truth, you will move your hands around and will look into his/her eyes to make a connection. If your partner is lying however, he or she will tense up, will most likely tone down on the hand movement and eye connection and will seem different than other times. If your partner is the type to still move his/her hands around even when he/she is lying, then pay attention to the timing of the movements. Timing is everything and can define the difference between the truth and a lie. When a person is telling the truth for example, his/her hands (and whatever body movement he/she does) will move at the same time when telling you something. When he/she is lying however, the body language will be off and will usually come shortly after he/she has told you the lie. This is because they have to think about acting natural, and this thinking causes them to be off key.

Last but not Least: Clearing of the throat, touching him or herself often and saying “Umm”

Another sign of a lying partner is if he/she touch his/her nose or face a lot while talking to you. They will feel nervous about telling you lies and will want to occupy their hands somehow as a way to cover up their lie, such as touching the nose, rubbing their eyes and so on. Your partner may even clear his or her throat more than usual when talking to you, look away a lot and/or say �umm� a lot when lying to you. They are using these as time killers so they can think of how to tell you the lie in the most convincing way possible. These are just some of the signs of a lying partner and are the most common signs. Remember, it is always important to trust your instincts first. If you feel that your partner is lying to you, start paying closer attention to his/her behavior and if there are any changes, then you will be able to catch on to the lies better and can further investigate from that point.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Gving Surprises to your Man

How many times do you surprise your man? You give him gifts on his birthday, celebrate your anniversary and plan for something on Valentines day. But other than what is expected, do you surprise him? Do you tell him suddenly one fine morning, how much he means to you? Do you send him a note telling him how much you value his love? Do you make him feel good about himself by appreciating his qualities amongst friends? Do you make him feel happy with your surprises? Many women don’t.

Every man craves for some recognition and love. Every man likes appreciation. A man gets tired with the constant demands of his work. Sometimes few women don’t support their men positively. They love to criticize and find faults. They forget and ignore his good qualities. How can they expect good relationships? Surprise your man with something that makes him feel special.

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Expressing Love With Ecards

Can love be effectively expressed with ecards? With many mediums available today, which medium should be our medium of choice in expressing our feelings. We have choice of sending a voice mail, sending an email, a printed card, and ecards. Of course the first choice always remains - our own talk. How are ecards better than other mediums to express love? Let us look at that.

Expressing feelings - feelings can be expressed most effectively when they are supported by right atmosphere. Color, design, videos, beautiful sights, lovely text, different fonts and layout make ecard the best medium for expressing love. Compare feelings evoked by watching an ecard and reading a SMS message and the answer will be apparent to you.

Cost - Romantic ecards or Love ecards cost nothing on most of the websites. For every other medium you have to pay. That is one more benefit.

Convenience - Most of us are anyway on our computer for a long period during the day. Select a website with lovely ecards that are free and add it to favorites. Anytime during the day, open the website and send few ecards. It will be minutes within which your darling will receive all the ecards and go in romantic tizzy. Imagine sending few emails, or SMSs and you will realize the benefit of ecards. Printed cards not only cost a lot, but also take effort sending. There is no comparison between the convenience of sending an ecard and other methods.

Effectiveness of ecards - From the above discussion, you must have realized the effectiveness of sending Romantic and love ecards to send your message. Let your sweetheart feel your love with the ecards.

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Is The Honeymoon Over?

There comes a stage in love relationship when the relations mature to a certain level. The initial attraction and knowing about each other is finished. The romance slowly gives way to living with each other and taking the relationship ahead. This phase is fraught with many obstacles as are all the others phases of romantic relationships. The biggest problem after the honeymoon is over is to see the real person. Till the honeymoon is in progress, the lovers make their own image of their beloved. After the honeymoon is over, they get to see the real person. Let us talk about this phase.

This is the phase of facing reality. The dream is over and the relationship enters a different phase. Both the lovers want to impose their will on each other. They do not give in easily to each other, but fight for their own point of view. What was once a very sweet voice now becomes a shrill demand. Blames are made and shocking changes occur in the affair.

This stage is a important stepping stone to a long term relationship. If the lovers can define their association, their rights and their need for each other at this stage and reach an agreement, they can grow into a very mature couple. Otherwise, with the romance getting finished, the lovers are left with nothing but broken hearts and disbelief. Communication and mutual understanding is the key to succeed after honeymoon.

Every relationship that is devoid of romantic assumptions demands co existence with respect for each other, need for each other, common goals and common values. If the couple can do that, they can proceed towards a long lasting relationship. If any of these is missing, there will be bickering all the time, and the relations will break after some time or continue with great pain for each other.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Romantic Feelings

Romance, the eternal subject for most of the poets. Romance, the life giving force. Romance, that changes perceptions and romance makes a dull night a night of poetic thoughts. Romance turns an ordinary flower into a lover’s gift to be preserved forever. Romance produces letters that are saved for generations. Romance makes everything look happy and cheerful.

Romantic feelings change perception. One who had never thought of reading a poetry, begins writing one. That is romance. One who is in romantic love, will have no complaints with the world. Even if the traffic does not move for hours, the romantic lover excuses everyone. That is romance.

Romance changes the way we look at the world. We see only good and every bad thing becomes either good or tolerable for us. Romance makes us magnanimous in thoughts. Romantic feelings make us sit alone and live in our own dreams. We need no one except ourselves to enjoy the thoughts of our romance. We want to be left alone and feel total peace and joy. During romance, every lip smiles, and every eye shines with the light of love.

Romance brings a new God in our life. Our beloved. Some romantics are ready to kiss the place where his/her sweetheart stepped. Romance is to be experienced and not talked about. Romance brings more hormonal changes in body than any medicine and has a definite effect on the heartbeats. They increase at the thought of the beloved. That is romance and to be in romance is to experience the joy of heaven.

There are many emotions and most of us experience all of them except romance. Emotions such as anger, nervousness, sadness and others like these are experienced by all of us. But few experience romance. There is a popular story in India of two romantic lovers. Laila and Majnu. Laila was the princess and Majnu was the son of a washerman. Once, it so happened that Majnu’s father asked him to deliver clothes to the palace. There Majnu happened to see Laila and he fell madly in love with her. Since that day, he forgot everything including food, and was only asking for Laila. Some days passed, and this news that Majnu had gone mad in love with Laila reached the king. The king asked his Prime Minister about what could be done to help Majnu in this distress. The Prime Minister suggested that if Majnu wanted to buy anything from any shop, he could buy it for free. The palace would pay to the shopkeeper.

This news brought in many new Majnus. They bought things and behaved like the original. The palace started getting bills in plenty. The king was more worried now and again consulted his Prime Minister. The suggestion was simple - declare that Majnu will be killed after seven days by the palace. This announcement made all the actors run away for their life. Only the original Majnu was left out. He had no care for his life.

This made king think again and he got Majnu married with Laila. Majnu got Laila because he wanted nothing except her. His own life was worthless for him. What mattered was only Laila. This is romance
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Dating During Recession

Jobs are getting lost and pays are getting cut. This is the time of recession. How does that affect dating? Many feel shy to say that they are unemployed, so no dates for them. Why not say - I am looking for a better job and right now I am giving time to my hobbies?

Men do not want to look frugal during a date, but they also cannot afford to spend much. How does that affect men? They avoid dating. Women also do not want partners who are frugal during the date. Where does that take us? It takes us to a very exciting scenario- more men and women are there for dating.

We would say that go on dates as much as you want. Spend less money and more time together. You may probably never find a better time than now to get the partner of your dreams.

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

What Do Women Prefer - Look Or Money?

Men and women have different roles in the society. Both the sexes also have different choices. Talking about gender equality cannot ignore the biological differences. Gender equality does not mean that women and men like or dislike same things or have similar aspiration or behavior.

What do women prefer- Looks or money? If you ask some men around you about what they desire in women, good looks may come out as a common answer. What about women? Does a good-looking man attract women or they are more attracted by a man having more money and a man with ambitions? Please ask some women and you will be surprised to know that even very good looking women are not necessarily looking for a partner with great looks, if he has no money. Women desire men with money, power and ambitions more than looks.

If you are a man with ok looks, bur with good amount of money and are thinking of doing much more in your profession, you may be chosen by a real good looking woman. This does not mean a man who does not keep himself clean or has little sense of clothes or etiquettes. That is a must, but you need not look like a person who can go to any competition and win it on looks. Of you have money and ambitions; you can have your pick of woman.

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What Women Search In Men?

Honestly speaking, no body can give an answer to this quiz. Every woman has different personality, goals, desires and mood. Some generalizations can be made that can help men know what women want.

Quiz your romantic style - I think that the priority for any relationship with a woman in the beginning is romance. Without becoming romantic, you cannot win a pretty and intelligent woman. You need not be a great poet of love poems, but surely you can write small love notes and send them with flowers once in a while. Show her that you love her. Say I love you in different ways. Send chocolates, small pieces of gift and things that look cute. Let her feel in love with those cute gifts you give. She will love you more.

Quiz your attitude - what is your attitude towards your woman/ Are you treating her as a person without brains? Then better revise your fundamentals. Do you treat her as an equal? Then it is all right. Are you together when you meet your friends? If not, please go together to meet your friends. Treat her as a friend and as a romantic partner and a lady. That is the combination that will win her over.

Quiz your relationship- how is your relationship? Are you nurturing it with proper communication, care and love? Do you show your care for your woman? Does she have to ask you or you act on your own guessing her requirements? Have you told her how precious she is for you? Do you understand what she is talking? Please remember that women talk little differently than men. Do you understand that difference? Generally when a woman speaks, she is doing self-talk loudly. Please understand that.

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Is Your Relationship Happy And Healthy?

We are social animals. We need to relate to others for various reasons; we cannot exist alone happily. We need others to compare, share, give and take and feel together. We make relationships primarily to satisfy our emotional and physical needs. What about the health of the relationship? Is your relationship happy and healthy?

In healthy relationship, both the partners are themselves. They keep that freedom with themselves. Freedom is a very important aspect. In a relationship that involves abuse, the abuser takes this freedom away. That is why any abuse makes the relationship very unhealthy.

We think about the concerns of our partner in a healthy relationship. It is not dictatorial. Every decision that we take is done with consensus and care is taken to check that other partners interests and preferences are respected fully. Our concern for our partner makes the relationship fulfilling.

In the two way process, we make some demands from our partner. They are reasonable to the extent that our demands do not crush the others spirit and values. Sometimes, a partner wants a relationship that demands that the other partner give up all his/her values. That will never do any good to the relationship. That will make the relationship very unhealthy.

Desire to relate - Unless we get attracted to each other and have genuine affection and care for each other, everything else is of no use. The relationship must have that love and affection to begin with. Without that one cannot talk and be open in communication with the other partner. Without that initial love, no relationship will begin.

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Friday, August 14, 2009

Stop the Blame game!!

I did so much to try and make her happy, but she refuses to acknowledge that. I have sacrificed all for him, and now he is showing his true colors. The game of blame. That not only kills a beautiful relationship but creates hatred between two lovers. Why those who were in deep love suddenly found that everything was wrong with each other and the relation? Let us look at a deep relationship. In such a relationship, everything is ours. It is neither yours nor mine. Its all ours. Even if one partner blunders, the other partner supports him/her. Same with joy. Both experience the joy of each others achievements. The fissure in the ‘ours’ to ‘me and you’ gives rise to the beginning of the blame game.

When the love breaks and blames start going to and fro, the need is to stop and reflect. Has the relationship gone beyond repair? Is the relationship giving more pain than pleasure? Are the partners sticking to each other to find someone to blame for their failures? If all this is answered in yes, then the partners should talk about it and get help from a counsellor and decide to separate if that makes their life better.

Why do we blame somebody else? Sometimes the other person is responsible for what might have gone wrong, and sometimes, we find the other person a easy target to release our frustration. In a relationship that is nurturing, even if one partner has blundered, the other will support him/her. Rather than taking the accusing tone, it will be a tone of understanding and being together. This turns to accusations only after the relationship suffers a break. To understand blames, one should look at the relationship in deep and find out if the same blame would have been put in the beginning of the relationship. If not, what changed? There lies the clue to blame game.

In personal relationships, we are not supposed to punish the other person in any way for whatever fault. At the most, we have the freedom to move away if we find that our partner keeps on repeating destructive behavior. We should either move away or come together again. To continue with the blame game and living together will not produce any result other than pain. Blames are not the disease but the symptom of the disease that is hurting your relationship.

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Are you a pet Or Lover?

In many relationships, one partner acts as a pet of the other. How does a pet act? A pet is totally loyal. The main work of a pet is to give joy to the owner. The pet can be hit by the owner in rage, but the pet returns. The pet has no personal desires. Its only expectation is getting love from the owner and being with the owner.

In some rare relationships, a partner gets so immersed in love with the other that he/she becomes the other’s pet. ‘I live for you. I live to make you happy. I think of different ways to make you happy. Your every wish is command for me. You can hit me, but I will return to you.’ This happens. The pet gets hit and returns. The owner hits the pet again and he/she will return.

Are you imagining the kind of relationship that is being talked about? ‘I fell in love with you so much, that I give up my every desire for you. It is your duty to care for me and never make me unhappy or hurt me. Why are you hitting me? What do you want? Tell me, why are hitting me? Tell me what you want and I will do that.’ But such requests do not work. The sadist tendencies of the owner do not allow that. The master here knows about the control they exercise. So instead of giving care and love, they give kicks.

What is the remedy? Unless you want to suffer immeasurably in such a relationship, hit them back so that it hurts. Not any physical hitting. Verbal hits can inflict much greater injuries. Don’t sit back and keep on getting hit in return for all the love. Hit back and get out.

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How To Know If Your Partner Is Trustworthy?

This is a common problem. All of us are looking for trustworthy partners but many of us get into relationships where our partner cheats us. How to know if your partner is trustworthy?

What I am saying here may sound very simple but is also very useful. Please observe your partner in all his/her transactions, discussions and work with others. If he/she behaves in a deceitful manner or does not care about small lies then be careful. A person’s character remains the same. A person who is today behaving differently with you than he/she behaves with others can one day behave the same with you also. Her/his essential and true character will surely reveal one day. Better not wait for that day. Break up as soon as possible rather than getting cheated in future.

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When we fall in love?

when-we-fall-in-loveThe love is an area known to all, because all we have lived to experience. Everyone is good witness of what he experienced. But despite that remains enigmatic and elusive.
Francesco Alberoni in “falling in love and love” (Garzanti) explains that the characters falling in love has irrefutable and is between two lonely people: “The horizon of his membership, any universal value can release is linked to being complete with two members only. This is the reason for its specificity, its singularity, which gives it some unique character. ”

“Two people in a certain point in their lives, begin a shift, becoming available to secede from the previous works of love, from the previous links, to give rise to a new community. Then enter the nascent state, a fluid and creative, which recognize each other and tend to merge. In this way they form a we, a community with very high solidarity and high eroticism “(Extract from” I love you “, Francesco Alberoni, Garzanti).

We tend to fall in love when we are ready to change. Because we are inwardly changed, because it changed the world around us, because we can not achieve our longer wants or to express our potential. So let someone who is showing us the way and make us enjoy a new way of being.

We can therefore love at any age, but especially in the argument of our lives. When we move from elementary school to middle, then in high school, university, work or when we change, or when forty years of age or sixties or seventies, when old age begins. Or if the old relationship has been worn, or the world has changed and we seek a new agreement with it.

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Saying "I Love You"

Most of us who are in relationships, love to hear from our partner that we are appreciated, and that we are very valuable for them and that they love us. But after some time in the relationship, most of us forget to say- I love you to our partner. The daily routine makes the relationship dull and people begin taking others feelings for granted.

At such times and even otherwise saying I love you can be of great value. That can rekindle the romance. That can bring the fire back in life. How to say- I love you most effectively? How to make it sound romantic and also convey the meaning that you appreciate your partner very much?

Observe your volume, tone and the place where are saying that. A hug and a whisper in the ear can be great. Equally good can be meeting the other person eye to eye and saying I love you with great warmth in the voice. Say I love you to your partner whenever you can, make it sound very special and gift them the love that you have for them in your heart.

Let your words say that you care very much for your partner. Show it with actions such as sharing chores or giving a gift. Go out on a dinner and say - I love you.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

How Open Are You With Your Beloved?

I have read it at many places that why tell your beloved about your past? That may spoil your present relationship. Let me present my thoughts to this. If we are not totally honest and open with our beloved, that means we are not sure about our relationship. That means that we do not have confidence in each other. That means that the relationship is fragile.

Why talk about such relationship, which is still fragile. Such a relationship will break for some or other reason. A strong relationship can take any storm. Ina strong relationship, we are ready for some disagreement but know that ultimately things will be same as before. It is like a child ho has got totally soiled. Mother may scold the child but it will be same as before within half an hour. That is a strong relationship.

If you hide vital facts about your past from your sweetheart, you will always suffer from the guilt and worry about hat if he/she gets to know about that. That is not a happy relationship. Such relationships cause stress, rather than giving any pleasure. To get pleasure, have confidence, tell your partner everything about your past, and expect that they will not only understand but also comfort you about that. That is the sign of a open and strong relationship.

Any relationship that is not fully honest and open is like a leaking boat. Anytime water may get filled and the boat may sink.

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Open Relationship

A relationship that gives you freedom to interact closely with many people may be termed as open relationship. You may go around and spend time with many friends before you feel close to one of them. At that time you may want to discuss close relationship with that friend and that will also mark the phase of open relationship. To be in an open relationship is ok for those who are not committed. If you are already committed, you should first discuss why you are dissatisfied with your partner, break away and then move on to open relationship. Having open relationship when you are already committed is a sure recipe for emotional disaster. Keep your honesty intact and you will find happiness. A dishonest person is always an unhappy person.

Therefore if you are looking for open relationships for some reason, you should made this clear to all concerned and first remove the past commitment from your life.
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Satisfaction In Marriage

There are very few marriages, where both the partners are satisfied fully. Go around and make a small survey. The results may look shocking but they are true. Everyone has one or the other complain about the married life.

The dissatisfaction may be many areas. It might be the home they are living in. It may be that the husband does not help the wife in household chores. The husband may complain that the wife is not helping him in growth of his career. It may have to do with difference of views about spending and saving. You will hear complain after complain and may wonder how people stay together with so many complaints?

The dissatisfaction may be emotional. She is not bothered when I am feeling unhappy and she will reply that even he does not bother. Getting physical satisfaction is now a distant dream. Going to places to enjoy with each other is long past. It is watching television at home and somehow killing time. Some people even dread holidays, because they may have to stay with wife all the day. There will be doubts about each other’s friendships and a bundle of complaints about how I am suffering but no one is simply concerned.

Why the communication lines have broken down so badly? Why are spouses not satisfied with each other? It is difficult to say. But this problem can be solved with little effort. Let them sit together and write all their complaints on a paper. Exchange the papers and discuss about everything. Decide that from now onwards, I will try and satisfy you in all the possible ways. If you still have to say something to me, tell me after a month. Give me a month’s time. Keep the talks on through out the month and determine that we will bring back cheer in our life again. We will bring happiness back and become a model couple. This decision itself will change a lot immediately.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Are you similar to each other?

How similar are you with your partner? Agreed that both of you are in love, and enjoy each others togetherness. You like each other and want to live together till you die. You may say that you love him/her with your body and soul. What about similarities between both of you? Is your love result of these similarities? Or despite few similarities you love each other? Similarities affect relationship to some extent and are important to discuss.

Work interest - Do you have common work interest? Are you qualified in the same stream? or your work interests are different? Common work interests lead to better understanding, but this is not very important.

Hobbies - Do you have similar hobbies? Even if they are not common, do any of you have any hobby that the other partner dislikes?

Values - how similar are your beliefs and values? Do you support same political party or your views are opposite to each other? What about your opinions on major issues of life? What about goals? Are your thought processes similar or different? These can make a major difference in the quality of love and life.

Living together can become difficult if the dissimilarities are many. Conflicts take major energy and time. There is no time left to focus on love and living together if major time is spent in sorting out differences. It is easier to feel love in the beginning if the similarities are few. As times passes, dissatisfaction rises and cracks appear in the relationship. It is difficult to live with a person who holds totally opposite views. More similarities always help in making love last for a longer time.

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when Love is Lost?

Watch a cloud in the sky. It seems stationary. Slowly it moves and after sometime, without our realizing, that cloud is gone. Sometimes

love disappears from a relationship like that cloud. When the relationship begins, everything looks ok. The communication is great. Not only verbal but also non-verbal communication between the partners is excellent. Slowly the rot sets in and there come a time when they stop communicating except when needed. The communication becomes need based. Earlier it was love based. What is the difference between need based and love based communication?

Relationship and communication - In love based communication the partners talk to each other about everything on the earth. They speak about their love; their needs, their dreams, their aspirations and everything else that makes them feel connected. In need based communication, the partners talk to each other minimally. What is required to keep the partnership together is the communication limit and nothing beyond that. It may revolve around bill payments, and other such talks. But this kind of communication gives no joy. It is the communication of dead relationship.

Reviving communication in relationship - To revive the communication the obvious answer is to talk again. Go back to earlier days and recollect what all you were talking. Begin talking like that again. As the gap between the partners has widened, this kind of communication becomes difficult in the beginning, but slowly it will break all the barriers.

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Monday, August 10, 2009

steamy sex session in the morning can keep you in good health

steamy sex session in the morning can keep you in good health, say researchers. According to a research from Queen’s University in Belfast, a good morning session at least three times a week, decreases the risk of heart attack or stroke by half and a regular session improves circulation, thereby reducing blood pressure. According to a study in New Scientist, a steamy session twice a week enhances IgA, an antibody that provides protection against microbes that multipl

y in body secretions, reports The Sun.

Morning sex also helps in alleviating arthritis and migraine. It burns around 300 calories an hour that simultaneously diminishes the risk of developing diabetes.

Moreover, an American study involving 300 sexually active women whose partners did not use condoms revealed that they were less prone to depression.

Sex increases the production of testosterone that provides stronger bones and muscles thus helping to stave off osteoporosis.

A good morning session can make the hair shine and skin glow by raising the output of oestrogen and other hormones associated with it.

According to Yale School of Medicine researchers, it can aid in averting endometriosis, a condition where the tissue that normally lines the uterus, grows in other parts of the pelvis.

However, the researchers have also warned that having sex more than three times a week can have a negative impact on our immune system thus lowering its resistance.
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How To treat Your Partner Right Way

Treat the other person like you wish to be treated. Think back and find out all that you have spoken during last one week to your partner. Was there any statement that would have hurt him/her? I agree that you felt justified speaking that but what if the same was told to you? How would you have felt? This is the benchmark. Next time you speak with your partner while pointing out a mistake or shout in anger or blame them for something think first about how would you feel if the same was said to you.
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How would you describe yourself

How would you describe yourself- a nice guy or adventurous, funny, alpha male? It is important to find out how people perceive you? What women think about you? Why am raising this issue- because it may matter a lot when you are asking a woman for a relationship with you. While talking, you may find that women say that they prefer a nice, home loving guy, but look around carefully. Think about which of your friends got a woman of their choice- was that friend known as a nice guy or something else? There may a subconscious appeal for adventurous guy in a woman. Or she may be looking for somebody more different- most popular guy, a sportsman, a funny guy, a strong man and so on.

Do not get blinded by what the woman you desire says. Find out what she REALLY wants. That may be different than the description she gives.

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Kiss you betray?

bacioReading various forums and waiting for the upcoming season of the escapade, arrival to ask me a question a while ago which would have sharply single, incontrovertible answer, without thinking, but now I am perplexed. After we asked if the fantasy can only be treason (and perhaps answers that have not, it is not), the other naturally arises a question of content almost opposite is betraying kiss? Get involved in physical contact with another person, may be considered treason in a time when sex is necessarily the first appointment?

In the various discussions on the forums I read questions like “I kissed another guy, but then I have repented and I did once. I betrayed my boyfriend or not? “. It seems that this society, with the excuse they were taboo, has lost sight of those boundaries a bit in my opinion that once had more net. Is betraying kiss, I say this without doubt. Where is the line between fantasy and the act? Well its action. Thinking is something intimate between us and our conscience, do something that is not autoeroticism, underwear goes beyond the boundaries of ourselves and come to include other people. That’s the difference.

Otherwise think the in another way, just to be consistent: thinking is not to betray, then kissing is not, and betray the transitive property, then do not even sex, as long without love, is to betray. It betrays only if you feel strong feelings towards someone else. What do you say, if you like your partner to justify such an escapade? If so let us still: Depends on how you kiss. A kiss to die, no it is not a betrayal. But if we put that bit of language, be so, then yes you betray.

So the questions are two. The first is a truth almost as old the world: Do not do to others what you would like your opinion was not done to you. The second concerns the semantics: what we mean us as individuals and us as a couple at the end betray? Why to betray the trust and how just a kiss. If they betray you mean something else, then even an orgy would be a betrayal.

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Where, how and why their husbands become idlers after the wedding

man-cookingFor the argument of my thesis today that the husbands are transformed immediately after the wedding, I have no research backed, but only common experience and shared by many young couples, and support of network users, agree that husbands changing idlers shortly after the wedding.

It happens to young couples, and there is evidence that women are complaining about this sudden change of her husband, who stops by neo husband slowly to help in the affairs of the house, you nice diva returning from work and, above all, the game play and do not iron shirts. The defense of women is usually “Where is it written that I must wash cooking iron etc etc etc”, is that of helping to do the chores in the evening because Saturday is tired.

The women argue that the house does not live on their own hygiene and that the fridge is filled not by itself, but the men hardly noticeable dirt and failings, as if someone had always been responsible for their sustenance and always will. Flourish so disputes, especially the application of that favorite shirt, who knows why, the mogliettina did not deliberately stretched waiting (in vain) the day on which the owner will appeal the iron, or is lagging behind, dominated by other matters.

The husbands do not allow to be changed, but say they are the wives who are transformed into witches fanatical order and hygiene, and I speak mostly of couples living together from the burnished, young wives, afraid of ending up a slave to the whole life , doubling the dose of the lotions to prevent a future of stacks of dishes to wash sweaters and others to fold.

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For a fulfilling sex life

Sexual problems? Here’s what the Network of sexual medicine in Quebec can do for you.
It’s not easy to entrust someone is experiencing problems of a sexual nature. That was almost more desire or is unable to erect a very solid, for example. Most of the time, people keep their suffering for them for years before venture to speak to the doctor.
At the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that sexual health is incompatible with any inhibition, disorder, disability or illness that reduce sexual function. Since the venerable institution that supports sexual satisfaction and pleasure are fundamental components of welfare, it is essential to raise awareness and promote them.

But the reality is not as romantic. So many people suffer from sexual disorders it became necessary for the medical care about them. “The problems of a sexual nature creating distress among both the person who suffers than in the spouse or the spouse. It is this distress that one day, pushes one to consult, “says Pierre Alarie, doctor and sexologist, president and cofounder of the Network of sexual medicine in Quebec (RMSQ), a researcher and coordinator of the Unity sexual dysfunctions of CHUM.

Some figures
Around us, about 1 in 3 women has a desire to free fall, 1 in 4 is experiencing an orgasm disorder and 1 in 5 suffers from a disorder of sexual arousal, 1 man on approximately 3 ejaculates too quickly while Only 1 out of 10 encounters or disorders of orgasm or an erection or mixed difficult. And that’s not counting the pain associated with sex, a problem common among women. 50 years ago, Quebec, nobody formalized its orgasms left in the cupboard. The Church had obliterated this component of human life. Today, by contrast, nobody wants a sexuality which flies on the wing or sleeping.

“If it was long thought that sexual problems were first and foremost of a psychological nature, we now know that this is not true in at least one out of two,” says clinical psychologist Richard Villeneuve, also co-founder of RMSQ
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Sunday, August 9, 2009

I know it’s my destiny

Hello. I count my love story begins.

It all started when I began working. The whole idea of work was very bad, but I had to do to study, so I began my working days.

So one day on the orders of my boss sent me to buy some things where he worked. That was the first day I saw him and felt very nice, but look at us curiously, and I do not speak. Thus the time step and each time was more often to work, until we became friends, good friends, although there was a problem: he had a girlfriend.

Then one day, he asked me my cell number I gave and we began to messages, until one day I said “I like you a lot.” I felt that I died of joy.

Time passed and the messages were becoming more profound and beautiful. Really loved him loved him and to me, though I knew it was wrong.

So the months passed, the most ever had problems with his girlfriend and leaving the day neared and I was calm. The days were beautiful to enjoy every part of it, his look, his kisses, his hugs, everything.

I loved him, something told me that he was the man of my life, and I would say that this story has a happy ending, but they lie.

They spent days and something was wrong. No longer receive their messages so I went to see him and I said, we need to talk. I felt panic. At that time knew that something was wrong. “My girlfriend is pregnant,” he said. Can not be, I do.

Just remember that I said “accounts to me, there will always, my heart is yours.” So I fired him, our romance was over, but I hope not.

Have spent a few months and wait for your baby. I keep watching and I see it every time one crosses my cheeks tear. so when we were greeted like friends, even feel your kisses, your hugs, your warmth and hope that the day be together again because I love him and I know it is my destiny.

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Men are turned on regardless of the beauty of woman second research

beauty-of-womanI do not know how the boys consuls objectively but now science seems to give credit to an old saying about this: ever heard the phrase “enough you breath?”. Now that expression as old as man, even if objectively elegant little seems to be scientifically proven.

The Dutch study has compared a group of guys with beautiful girls and actually brut Tina and the level of testosterone is increased regardless of the beauty of women, the growth is close to the so-called ” ugly ” that the beauties:
“To reach this conclusion, the Dutch researchers have placed each couple in a room with a woman who had never seen before. The result was that after five minutes the levels of male hormones are increased by an average of 8%, certificate as the analysis performed on samples of saliva. Later, the children were asked if they were attracted by the young man who had just met, but the breeding responses with the values of the samples measured, the results showed that their opinion is not aesthetic has influenced the increase in testosterone “[...]
We must learn to accept the many “defect “of boys in some way engraved in their DNA.

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Hugs! A hug is an expression of caring. When someone is down, a hug can be comforting. When given to a pal or friend it means "you are someone I care about!"

When hugging a child, you are giving comfort that they are wanted, loved, cared for, and protected. ... same for an adult.

When you hug and hold someone you love, it is caring, it is love, it is belonging. Telling each other, this is where we belong, in each others arms. Comforting, feeling of security. Warmth, and a sense of peace.

When in love, a hug can be pure happiness. A release from anything else in life that might be bothering you. Because at that moment, when you are hugging, you are where you belong and everything is right.

Give Hugs!

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How To Kiss Someone Passionately

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