Monday, August 10, 2009

Where, how and why their husbands become idlers after the wedding

man-cookingFor the argument of my thesis today that the husbands are transformed immediately after the wedding, I have no research backed, but only common experience and shared by many young couples, and support of network users, agree that husbands changing idlers shortly after the wedding.

It happens to young couples, and there is evidence that women are complaining about this sudden change of her husband, who stops by neo husband slowly to help in the affairs of the house, you nice diva returning from work and, above all, the game play and do not iron shirts. The defense of women is usually “Where is it written that I must wash cooking iron etc etc etc”, is that of helping to do the chores in the evening because Saturday is tired.

The women argue that the house does not live on their own hygiene and that the fridge is filled not by itself, but the men hardly noticeable dirt and failings, as if someone had always been responsible for their sustenance and always will. Flourish so disputes, especially the application of that favorite shirt, who knows why, the mogliettina did not deliberately stretched waiting (in vain) the day on which the owner will appeal the iron, or is lagging behind, dominated by other matters.

The husbands do not allow to be changed, but say they are the wives who are transformed into witches fanatical order and hygiene, and I speak mostly of couples living together from the burnished, young wives, afraid of ending up a slave to the whole life , doubling the dose of the lotions to prevent a future of stacks of dishes to wash sweaters and others to fold.



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