Sunday, October 26, 2008

Build Your Relation on solid foundation!

Where is the love is a question asked when a relationship fails. Breaking up is expensive. It rocks you to your very foundation.

So, instead of asking where is the love after your relationship fails, act now to avoid failure.

Really, that is what this entire web site is about. It's about doing the right things, following the right process to achieve lasting enduring relationship.

Unfortunately, the majority of people do not take the time

to really get to know their man before taking their love relationship to marriage level. And they pay dearly with what they cherish most . . . their heart, their joy and peace of mind.

Breaking up isn't for you. Where is the love isn't a question you should be asking. This site has prepared you to analyze your feelings and the man you want to spend your life with. This puts you way ahead of the majority who end up breaking up.

Consider this case.

A young African lady in her early twenties got married to a handsome gentleman resident in Europe with much rejoicing and merry making. It was an expensive wedding in a class of its own.

However, two weeks later, the marriage was over. You know why?

The husband claimed he had a dream within the first week of their marriage. He claimed a man spoke to him in the dream that the girl he was married to . . . his wife . . . wasn't really his. The visitor claimed he was the girl's husband in the spirit world.

The man woke up and concluded the marriage was over. They managed to pretend to be married another week, but no more.

Consider another case.

A lady got married to a young man against the wishes of her parents. Everything went well at first. They even had two kids. One day the man came home, packed a few things and said he was leaving. He didn't want the relationship anymore.

It sounded at first like a bad joke. But he went and never returned. The had sounded like a joke became stack reality. The woman was then saddled with caring for her kids. And she got a new tag . . . single mother.

Where is the love in these two instances?

True love defends its own. Love endures all things. No doubt you agree that love was missing in each of these cases. Wherever love is missing breaking up is inevitable. It may take time. But breaking up is certain.

Now it is clear as crystal. Where is the love isn't a question you should be asking. By the time you ask that question, you know it is too late.

So, in case you haven't noticed . . . love relationship is serious business. It's not something you rush into. Don't be in a hurry.

Build your love relationship on solid foundation. Then true love will flow naturally.



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