Sunday, October 19, 2008

Does religion should be the foundation of relationship?

Many people believe that relationships and marriages should have a religious foundation. They also believe that it is important that the individuals in the relationship follow the same faith. They
(Christians) often refer to the statement from the Christian Bible that couples need to be “equally yoked”. Of course, the definition of being “equally yoked” is debatable. Personally, I believe that
if two people have the same morals, values, life ambitions and goals, they are equally yoked.

While I was reading an article the other day, my interest in marital problems was peeked when the author recommended that before couples are married, they should study each other’s credit report. I know that it has been established that the number one cause of divorce in this Country is money issues. But I thought that pulling each other’s credit report was a little much. However, the article did start me to thinking about other causes of relationship and/or marriage breakups. After a
little research, I discovered that religion was very high on the list of causes. This surprised me because I know that marriage existed long before established religion as we know it today. Even though we relate marriage to civil government and to religion, people were getting married long before either institution existed. In the beginning marriage was about survival only. By forming relationships, individuals had a better chance of facing the many difficulties of ancient living. Also there was the issue of identifing who the children “belonged” to. I believe that people have always held beliefs related to faith, but we must not forget that placed in the prospective of man’s total existence on Earth, established religion as we know it is a recent creation.

I am admittedly not a religious person. I do however consider myself a very spiritual person. The difference between religious people and me is that I do not follow any Book. I believe in God and at times have even given consideration to the acceptance of angels and miracles. I mention
this because I have had relationships with women with a lot of different faiths. The reason for our brake ups were never related to religion. I explained my beliefs to them and promised to never interfere with their faith. I think that relationship or marital problems between couples are mostly the result of one or both individuals attempting to convert the other person. That is a no, no.

Religion became associated with marriage only after one of its many historical moves to gain control of the people. After a while, people begin to accept this association as the natural other of things. That is
understandable since the Church was once the most powerful institution on earth. The historical power play of separation of Religion and State resulted from governments developing a desire for that power for themselves. Control of the institution of marriage was a logical target for civil institutions.

After civil institutions gained control of marriage by connecting it to “Law” people begin to believe that marriage could not be defined by religion. People decided that they would not allow religion to dictate who they should marry, for a while people put behind the idea that they need to marry someone
within the same religion or within the same sub-set of the religion.

The fact is that many people don’t have the same beliefs even if they claim to follow the exact religion. Still, religion has re-established its association with marriage. The Church has established a traditional role in sanctifying marriages and presiding over wedding ceremonies. Consequently, no one questions religion’s relationship to marriage. Let’s be clear, nature taught us about forming relationships and getting marriage. Religion reiterates to us what nature has taught us, but the lesson does not belong
to them. Whether two individuals have the same faith should not cause a problem as long as they love one another, and work toward the same goals. If couples do this, instead of problems they will surly see a miracle happen in their lives.



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