Saturday, October 11, 2008

I want to save my marriage

I want to save my marriage ,can you help me ? It’s a common question, phrased in countless different ways. I often have people who are interested in making things work ask me for advice. Here are three rock-solid recommendations that might help you if you’re dealing with marital difficulties.

First, make sure you really want to save your marriage in the first place. That might seem silly (after all, you are already reading this article), but it’s important. There are some marriages that probably shouldn’t be prolonged. That includes situations where abuse (either physical or emotional) is present and other so-called “toxic” relationships. In most cases, marriages can be saved. In some situations, though, it might be a decent idea to move on to greener pastures.
Assuming you do want to save your marriage, the next thing to remember is the need for a really good plan of action. You can’t rely purely on gut instinct or on your hunches. You aren’t a professional and flying by the seat of your pants certainly hasn’t worked so far!

Now is the time to take action, but that action also needs to be smart. That means following a good blueprint devised by professionals in the field who make it their lives work to understand how to save marriages.

Finally, please remember that “I’m saving my marriage” is a statement that only gets at half of the overall situation. Yes, you certainly do need to save your marriage from divorce. However, stopping divorce is only part of your real objective. You don’t just want to save a marriage or stop a divorce–you also want to improve your relationship.

Your end goal is to build a stronger, more loving, more stable marriage that meets your expectations and needs–the kind of relationship you really deserve. That’s one reason why it’s such a good idea to start with a good plan that recognizes the difference between real progress and relationship band-aids.



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