Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Long distance relationship can also easily last longer

Marriage should be for keeps. It still is possible to have a long lasting relationship even at this time when so many marriages have failed. And even where long distance relationships are concerned, there is still a possibility to make it last.

Nothing is impossible to accomplish in this world especially when it comes to marriage if couples have a deep love and trust for each other as well as in the Divine power. Many married couples today are involved in long distance relationships and while some don't last long, others have worked it out. Long distance ties are inevitable notably among couples where one spouse needs to find a greener pasture abroad to support his or her family or one is assigned in another place or country due to the nature his work.

Maintaining a long distance relationship is definitely hard what with the absence of the other and the challenges in communication. This can really be difficult when a couple has already children. But it can be done if only the husband and wife make extra efforts to nurture the relationship while they're apart. Determination to make the relationship work despite the distance, constant communication and mutual trust should always be present.

* The willingness to keep a long distance relationship last is one of the keys to make your marriage succeed despite all the trials that may come along. Sometimes, it's easy to forget about your other half when a spouse is too engrossed with his work and his newfound friends in the place he or she works. Temptations are also everywhere. However, this should not be a problem if both spouses find ways to make each other feel loved and appreciated across the miles.
* An open communication line is definitely helpful. Try to communicate as often as you can and find out how he or she is doing with work and family. Today, there are various communication media available from the telephone, mobile phone and email. If you have the time, you can always write a letter to your loved one which is still a sweet thing to do.
* Honesty is crucial. This means being able to discuss things that matter to your relationship including sensitive issues and revealing your whereabouts and happenings in the most truthful way. Sometimes, people are tempted to lie about what they do and where they went confident that they are away from their partner. Being honest also means being free to talk about your sexual needs as this can measure your partner's commitment to you physically and personally.
* Stretching your patience is of utmost importance. Waiting for the homecoming of your spouse can be a real ordeal. But the best way to fight this stressful feeling is to keep yourself busy. Work if you must especially for the wives to feed your mind and allow you to earn your own income. With the internet, it's now possible to work at home and still supervise your children instead of getting bored all the time because you're missing your partner.
* Encouragement is also a key factor. Encouraging and praise each other in the best way possible helps improve the relationship. Find out how his work is going and how he's coping with it and share your happenings as well especially your children's activities. Don't hesitate to ask for assistance from him as well when needed.

If you keep these things in mind, you can be sure to keep your long distance relationship forever. You can work it out. Just believe in yourself.



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